Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sunspots (20230617) - right in time, firstLight

Sunspots (20230617) - right in time

Sunspots (20230617) - right in time, firstLight

Sunspots (20230617) - right in time



Acquisition details



Sunspots (20230617) - right in time

Summer feeling but so many cloudy days: cumulus clouds formed by thermals over our mountains, with extensive high cirrus clouds covering most parts of the sky over me. Right in time, minutes before the Sun sets behind our 2000m high mountains on the west side of our valley, I hurried to capture the Sun again.

Working mobile all the time, I only roughly set my CEM26 north and ground leveled it. Then I took my DSLR and photo lens with the Baader Astrosolar foil, set the focus on it's live screen and captured 65 frames (CR2 RAWs).

Please compare the significant evolution of these activities over a couple of days:



Sunspots (20230617) - right in time, firstLight